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John Edwards Has Life-Threatening Heart Condition
Former presidential candidate John Edwards has a life-threatening heart condition, CNN reports. A federal judge disclosed the information Friday during a court hearing regarding Edwards’ pending trial for criminal corruption charges.
The Effects of Academic Parental Pressure on Kids
As a parent, there are few pleasures greater than your child succeeding at school. However, if you put too much academic parental pressure on kids to do well, it can backfire severely and end up affecting them negatively in a number of different ways. Albert Einstein once said, "Education is what remains after one has…
Mean Boys Are Just As Bad As Mean Girls
“Mom, can I ask you something?” my son asked me this as he put away his backpack after coming home from school. “Of course”, I answer, slicing apples and spooning out peanut butter for a snack. “What’s up?” “Why does everyone think I am such a loser? How come no one likes me?” I put…
Dating After Divorce: Three Ways To Tell Your Kids You Are Dating Again
We all know divorce creates havoc in any family’s life, especially when children are involved. Moving on after divorce can also be challenging. It’s a time to be very gentle, both with yourself as well as with your children. Chances are, you made a considerable emotional investment in your marriage. Having seen that relationship fail…
Upper Abdominal Pain in Pregnancy
If you have upper abdominal pain during pregnancy, it’s not necessarily to automatically switch into panic mode, according to the March of Dimes. But any severe and long-lasting stomach pain or discomfort accompanied by dizziness or bleeding is considered a medical emergency; prompt medical help is essential in such circumstances to protect you and your future son or daughter.