4 mins read

Talking About Makeup And Skin Care With My Pre-Teen Niece

During the summer, I spent a week on the east coast for a visit with family.My niece Allison and I love to spend time together – you see, ever since she was five years old, she discovered that Auntie Karen was a makeup girl. A.K.A. girly girl! Every visit, Allison would ask me to apply makeup on her face (with the approval of her mother of course). We would play with a variety of colors and makeup brushes.

2 mins read

Teen Pregnancy is the Biggest Killer of Teenage Girls

Despite recent quasi-glorification of teenage pregnancy (we’re looking at you, “Teen Mom”), a study by Save the Children reports that pregnancy is the number one killer of teenage girls worldwide. The report outlines the health risks of teenage pregnancy, both to young mothers and their babies. Among the statistics, the one the practically jumped off the page at us is the following: “Girls under 15 are five times more likely to die during pregnancy and childbirth than women in their 20s. Adolescents age 15 through 19 are twice as likely to die.”