4 mins read

Funny Pregnancy Tips

You’ve been to the doctor, the bookstore, the baby store and are ready to tell the world your big news–you are expecting. While the doctor is full of wise medical information on your condition, there are also a million books to help you along the way. The stores are also packed with advice-giving clerks and fellow mothers-to-be. You may find that what you really need is to discover the lighter, more humorous, side of being pregnant.

5 mins read

Vacation For One

Warm weather is on the horizon. This means parents are starting to think about ideas for a fun summer trip with the kids. The beach? Disney? Camping? But are any of you thinking instead: it would be nice to go on vacation…alone? One mom, Lauren Apfel, wrote about this vacation-for-one concept for the Washington Post.…

2 mins read

Kids & Ringworm

Despite its unfortunate name, ringworm has nothing to do with worms. Ringworm is a fungal skin infection in the same family as athlete’s foot and jock itch. The fungus forms a ring pattern on the skin or scalp, and that is where the name comes from. Ringworm is a common fungal infection for kids to get.