Search Results for: travelers
Top 10 Family-Friendly Holiday Travel Destinations for Magical Memories
Discover the world’s most enchanting holiday destinations that cater to families with kids. From snowy wonderlands to tropical paradises, these 10 destinations promise unforgettable experiences for all ages.
What’s Budget Friendly For This Thanksgiving’s Meal
Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, and if you’re feeling a bit behind in your preparations, you’re not alone. I recently had to do a quick Google search to double-check the date for this year’s Thanksgiving, and it’s safe to say that many of us are in the same boat. As the TSA anticipates record numbers of travelers at airports, it’s clear that this year’s Thanksgiving will be a big one for many Americans. But amid the holiday hustle and bustle, there’s some good news for those planning to host a traditional turkey feast at home – the cost of the holiday centerpiece, the turkey, has seen a significant drop in prices this year, making home-cooked celebrations more budget-friendly.
It’s August… Time For A Last-Minute Road Trip
Even during a pandemic, families are holding on to their summer vacations and hitting the open road to make memories with their kids. AAA projects that Americans will take 683 million road trips from July to September. If you haven't gone away yet, there's plenty of time to take a last-minute road trip. Just keep in…
Why A Home Exchange Is a Great Family Vacation
Like a lot of families, our summer vacation plans were canceled due to COVID-19. We are looking forward to the days when we can travel again. When we are able, our next vacation will be a home exchange. We got started home exchanging three years ago, and now, it's our favorite way to vacation! So…
Secrets for Stress-Free Winter Travel
Even though the holidays are over, lots of people go on vacation during the winter months. Whether to escape the cold for somewhere more tropical, or to hit the slopes for a weekend of skiing and snowboarding, it’s always nice to get away.