Search Results for: tricky element
10 Tips to Help Your Elementary Schooler Study for a Test
Tis the season for testing our kids like theres no tomorrow. As much as we complain about all the testing going on in schools these days, the truth is that when the H groundwork for good habits is set early on, students are more likely to experience success and increased motivation.
Autism and Puberty
My son is fifteen-years-old. Which means…he’s in the throes of puberty. What have been some of his issues? Many of these are common issues of any child (in this case a male child) going through puberty: *Dealing with growing facial hair. Learn how to shave. We bought him an electric razor and my husband gave…
Holiday Eating When Your Child Has An Eating Disorder
Turkey. Pumpkin pie. Hannukah gelt. Eggnog. Christmas cookies. Sounds delicious, right? Essential elements of holiday joy? Except when your child has an eating disorder. When you have a child with anorexia, bulimia, overeating or orthorexia, even ordinary meals are torture sessions. Your child gets anxious if you watch what they eat (or don’t eat) too…
Should You Go to Jail If Your Teen Drinks?
The story I’m about to tell is not unusual. But it’s personal, tragic, and common, repeating itself almost every day throughout our country. We parents need to pay better attention. Three summers ago, a picture surfaced of then-candidate for Maryland governor, Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler, at a party attended by his teenaged son. The…
April Astrology
What a charged up month it is, this April, with several planets in the impulsive do or die sign of pioneer Aries. Coming off of the intense full moon of last week, with the fertility rites of spring just behind us, symbolized by “Eostre” the Teutonic goddess of fertility whose totem was the rabbit.