8 mins read

7 Reasons Parenting a Toddler is an Exercise in Insanity

Jerry Seinfeld once said that “a two-year-old is kind of like having a blender, but you don’t have a top for it.”  And that phrase is permanently etched into my mind. Have truer words ever been spoken about toddlers? Because he’s right, of course.  We all have to be slightly mad to get through the…

5 mins read

Finding and Expressing True Gratitude

The following is a guest post by Jason Anthony. Do you know the difference between having thanks and truly being grateful? It has been said that you do not know what you have until it is gone, and that is a lesson that could not be more true for me. I used to sort of bounce through life offering thanks to many around me in a cordial kind of way, but I didnt really consider what it meant to have a real appreciation for what it was I had.

3 mins read

7 Good Reasons NOT to Diet

Now that we are a few weeks into January, many people have forgone their hopeful New Year’s Resolution to lose weight by dieting. But, don’t feel bad. A diet is not the right way to go about losing weight, anyhow. In honor of Healthy Weight Week (Jan. 16-22), here are 7 good reasons why dieting isn’t the way to go. In fact, for 2011, you should resolve NOT to diet. 1. Dieting is Unhealthy