Search Results for: uncover fresh
Summertime Fresh Fruit Freeze
we’re super excited to share our Fresh Fruit Freeze recipe with you! It’s a hit with the little ones and perfect for a sunny day.
Almost-Instant Chicken Fajitas
This dish uses one of the greatest ‘cheats’ available to us mamas: a store-bought rotisserie chicken. I pick a rotisserie up at least once a week (because I know it will come in handy for instant dinner somewhere), and I always ‘re-create’ it somehow – like with these chicken fajitas, for example.
5 Shopping Strategies For Saving On Groceries During The Pandemic
Now that your family is home around the clock, it may feel impossible to keep your refrigerator full for long enough before you have to run back to the grocery store. But, this isn’t the only reason your grocery budget has become bloated recently. According to the most recent Consumer Price Index from the U.S.…
Do You Have to Refrigerate Glazed Donuts?
If you've just bought a dozen freshly glazed donuts, you're probably not planning to eat them right away. Donuts are the perfect choice for a quick breakfast or a tasty, no-prep dessert. But once you bring your fresh-baked donuts home, you face a tough decision. Should you leave them out on the counter and risk…
Guilt-Free Decadent Triple Chocolate Pie
Its that time of year again – the day when we all scramble to make those extraordinary plans for oursignificant others and for our kids to show just how much we care about them. Valentines Day. And if you’re the type who waits for the last minute, you might be feeling a little bit of stress trying to find the perfect gift or make those wonderful romantic plans.