2 mins read

Simple Ways to Shed the Holiday Fat

Parties, drinks and holiday treats often leave an unwanted reminder of the joyous season–weight gain. Many of us start the new year with a new diet to get rid of those holiday pounds. Fortunately, weight that has been gained quickly can usually be lost quickly with appropriate diet and exercise. Integrate these simple tips into your daily life and you will shed the holiday fat before Valentine’s Day.

2 mins read

Pregnancy Symptoms Week by Week

As beautiful as expecting a child can be, pregnancy symptoms unfortunately may add some unwanted drama to your life as a mom. While each pregnancy is different, most women experience at least a few unpleasant side effects as their future sons and daughters grow inside of their bodies, according to the Mayo Clinic. Most side effects are not serious, but you should immediately report any severe pain or bleeding to your doctor or another medical professional.

2 mins read

Hand Pain & High Blood Pressure

Hand pain and high blood pressure are potentially serious conditions in themselves but they are especially serious when they occur together, according to the National Diabetes Clearinghouse and the American Heart Association. Determining what is causing your hand pain and/or high blood pressure is an important step, as sometimes these symptoms indicate a life-threatening situation.