Search Results for: user's behavior
Help for Families of Drug Abusers
The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that drug abuse is a leading public health problem in the United States, causing more than 40 million illnesses and injuries each year. Drug addiction affects everyone in society — the person abusing drugs, his family and friends, and the community in general. If someone close to you is using drugs, your family is likely dealing with a great deal of stress. Before you can help your family member to recover, you might need some help of your own along the way.
Consequences of Teen Drug Abuse
If there is one thing a teen hates hearing, it is when you say, “Because I said so.” Many parents pull out this go-to response when teens question the rules. For some teens, this response makes them even more eager to engage in the forbidden behavior. When talking to your teen about drug abuse, it is vital that you resist the urge to state that drugs are bad. Your teen will not understand the full array of potential consequences associated with drug use. When you speak to your teen about drugs, share with him the real reasons why he should refrain from drug abuse.
Afraid Your Man Will Stray? What To Do…
Every time a celebrity couple is touched by infidelity – Pink’s hubby tries a different shade, or Ryan Phillippe spoons someone other than Reese – it’s like the rumble of distant thunder over our own relationships. Everywhere you look, you see potential targets for your partner’s straying eyes, hands and, heaven forbid, other body parts. There’s that co-worker, and the ex, and the spinning instructor with to-die-for quads (and glutes). Of course, most of us start relationships with complete trust in our partners – pumped on endorphins and often believing they have about as much chance of straying as Rosie has of buying a condo in Trump Tower.
Five Ways to Keep Your Man From Straying
Every time a celebrity couple is touched by infidelity – Pink’s hubby tries a different shade, or Ryan Phillippe spoons someone other than Reese – it’s like the rumble of distant thunder over our own relationships. Everywhere you look, you see potential targets for your partner’s straying eyes, hands …