Search Results for: video marketing tips
Internet Dating Tips for Women
Internet dating is booming. Whether via online matchmaking sites, social networking sites, online personals listings or online chat rooms, men and women are meeting potential friends, lovers and lifetime mates online. If you’re thinking that online dating is a poor second cousin to meeting somebody in real life, consider these statistics: One of the biggest free dating sites in the U.S.,, has received up to a million visitors in a single day, and Jupiter Research estimates the Internet dating industry will take in almost $2 billion in revenue by the year 2012. Why is Internet dating so popular? While it’s true that you can’t absorb certain details about a potential significant other simply from an online meeting, Internet dating offers benefits over real-life first meetings, the major one being that looking for love on the Internet opens the playing field to more people than you could ever hope to consider otherwise. Internet dating can be safe and extremely rewarding, if you keep certain tips in mind.
Earth Day Spotlight: Meet Carson With Charity Arrows
You know those amazing stories that instantly touch your heart and bring you joy? This is one of those. Charity Arrows, strives to empower and uplift children and community organizations through sustainable and innovative means. Their organization is dedicated to turning old, unsalvageable, or discarded arrows and repurposing them into meaningful treasures such as pens…
Simple Steps to Becoming A Mompreneur!
The Sugar Mommas sat down with Carl Smith, Specialty Food/Grocery Buyer, from Southern Californias premier gourmet market, Bristol Farms. Carl has been with Bristol Farms for twenty years. During his tenure he has seen thousands of products and he determines which ones should be sold on the shelves of this leading market. You could say Carl is a leading food trendsetter. Carl has one of the most discerning eyes on the west coast.