3 mins read

Christmas Crafts for Kids Made With Recyclable Materials

Christmas can be a consumerist holiday. Kids get excited about all the new things they will receive, and everyone buys new decorations and treats. Eventually, your living room alone can look like a department store that has exploded with items. You can still enjoy the holiday, however, without making a single purchase. Teach your children the value of recycling and not being wasteful by putting together decorations and gifts made from items you may have around the house.

2 mins read

Materials for Composting

Composting your organic waste allows you to create nutrient-dense food for your garden. Creating a compost pile requires only a small amount of space and a few materials to get started. Once it’s up and running, you simple need to keep feeding the pile so that you can have a steady stream of compost for your garden.

2 mins read

Bladder Leakage During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is hard on a woman’s body, and this is most apparent during the third trimester. During this time, space becomes at a premium, and your little blessing is pushing all of your nearby organs out of her way — including your bladder. In addition, hormones and the increased amount of fluids your body needs while pregnant all combine to put a lot of pressure on your bladder.

3 mins read

How to Compost

Composting kitchen waste and organic materials in your own compost bin helps to reduce the amount of waste taking up space in landfills. It is possible to reduce your household trash that is hauled off to the landfill by as much as 30 percent. The composted material can then be entered back into a natural cycle, as a nutrient-rich and natural fertilizer for the yard or a home garden. Composting can also be used as an educational tool when teaching kids about environmental science and the importance of reusing and recycling, not discarding waste.