6 mins read

What Kind of Water Should be Used in Infant Formula?

How you prepare infant formula can affect your baby’s health. Powdered or liquid concentrate formulas cost less than ready-to-serve formulas, but they require that you add water when mixing. Formula in the powdered form is the least expensive, but you need to follow the instructions on the formula can to know much water to use. What the directions on the can do not tell you is what kind of water is safest for mixing your infant’s formula.

2 mins read

The Best Ways to Conserve Energy

Going green is not only the right thing to do for the environment, it’s good for your wallet. The U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that the average electric bill for Americans is more than $100 per month. Those costs can zoom in the warmer months when you turn on the air conditioning or in the cooler months if you use electric heat.

2 mins read

Home Remedy for Cleaning Drains

Grime and buildup often occurs in drains, both in the sinks and bathtubs. Reaching for a commercial drain cleaner is the solution for many people, but a more natural, homemade drain cleaner saves you money and might be healthier for your family. A home remedy for clearing your drains is generally safer, but there are certain safety considerations, even when working with materials from around the house.