Search Results for: web design tips
10 Tips for Safe Trick-or-Treating
With Halloween approaching, parents are mindful of how to keep their kids safe on the most ghoulish of nights. As child safety experts, we’re sure a blog about safety on Halloween isn’t surprising, but we promise this wont be a long boring blog Just a short one to give you a few tips to make it a safe and fun evening for all.
Pumpkin Carving Safety Tips
How much fun are Jack o Lanterns? I love visiting the pumpkin patch, picking out just the right one and deciding what funny face it will become. My little sister was the queen of picking the biggest and heaviest pumpkin in the patch and then lugging it back home. But God love her, shes not the most graceful being and there were more than a few bumps and bruises along the way.
10 Tips to Raise a Reader
Reading books to your kids is one of the most important things you can do to promote literacy development – but why stop there? In addition to just regurgitating the words on the page, try these creative strategies to foster your child’s love of reading: 1. Add a little play-acting.
NY Fashion Week: Top Secret Tips for Couture on a Budget
Most of us modern moms didnt have a front row seat to every fashion show in Manhattan this past week. And I know, as a working parent, I certainly dont have tons of free time to wade through all those fashion blogs to figure out what well all be wearing next fall.
Olympic Gold Medalist Peggy Fleming Shares Her Cold & Flu Tips
Peggy Fleming is one inspiring lady. Not only is she a three-time world champion and Olympic gold medalist in the sport of figure skating, she’s also a busy mom and grandmother. And since she’s spent so much time on the ice, Peggy has dealt with her fair share of colds. She’s recently partnered with Robitussin for their Simple Acts of Reliefcampaign, which is 100 days long and is designed to help cold sufferers get back their health.