2 mins read

CPR Instructions for Pregnant Women

If you have a loved one or close acquaintance who is pregnant, or if you just want to be ready for a potential emergency, learning CPR can save not one life but two or more. If you know what to do, you can keep oxygen available to the baby and mother until help arrives. If you decide to receive formal CPR training, with a focus on pregnancy, you may want to bring a partner with you. CPR can be done better with more than one rescuer.

6 mins read

Five Parenting Lessons I’ve Learned from “Law & Order”

I love the television show “Law & Order.” Every version. Every season. Every episode. I watched it continuously through both of my (never-ending) pregnancies to the point where I swear my newborn thinks the opening credit music is a lullaby. People (ahem, my mom and the hubby) get on my case, a lot, for watching…

3 mins read

Easy Thanksgiving Meals

For many, Thanksgiving is all about the food. However, this emphasis on good eats does not mean that you need to spend your time slaving over a hot stove on this holiday. To free yourself up to enjoy the festivities with your family and friends, plan some simple Thanksgiving meal options. By selecting these alternatives to the old standbys, you can delight your guests with tasty treats without breaking a sweat.

5 mins read

Middle School Transition for a Child with Autism – Part Four

Any other "stray" thoughts or issues regarding middle school? In my first three blogs about my child with autism's transition from elementary school to middle school, I discussed how I prepped him for the change, how he learned to get around a new campus, and I also discussed some of the new on-campus activities my…

2 mins read

Fun Family Activity: How To Make A Paper Kite

Want to spend Memorial Day outdoors with your kids? Try making paper kites and having a kite flying competition – it’s tons of fun for the whole family! Here are instructions on how to make the coolest paper kites you’ve ever seen! Make a Paper Kite in 8 Simple Steps Supplies