5 mins read

Why Husbands Make the Best Earmuffs

My parents left yesterday after a two and half week visit. Mom cooked Thanksgiving dinner (and all the other dinners in between) and set up my Christmas tree. Dad fixed everything around the house that was broken, and what he broke while here (I swear my toilet automatically shuts down when it hears my fathers voice).

4 mins read

I Don’t Trust Women Who Don’t Have Old Friends

Over the years Ive learned a number of lessons when it comes to making new friends: my first impression of people is usually wrong and my husbands is usually right, avoid drama queens at all cost and dont trust a woman who doesnt have old friends. If youve gone through life making and breaking friendships, theres probably something deeply wrong with you. Im not exactly sure what that thing may be. Maybe you get clingy and chase them off. Maybe you borrow their designer shoes and return them with scuffs. Maybe you cut off their head and hide their body under the stairs. Whatever it is, I dont plan on waiting around to find out.

4 mins read

The Road to Reading

My sister taught me how to read. Sure, there were a long line of teacher lessons, flash cards and episodes of Sesame Street that primed me for the big moment, but those memories are vague and faded – mere baby steps on the grand journey to literacy.