4 mins read

Home Remedies for Children’s Fever

Childhood fevers are fairly common and while the symptoms are unpleasant for the child, they are generally a good sign that the body is fighting off an infection. Most fevers do not need to be treated with medication, but if your child has a history of febrile seizures you will want to try and prevent the fever from getting too high and setting off another seizure. The symptoms caused by a fever can make a child uncomfortable, but it can often be alleviated using natural treatment methods.

4 mins read

Pets for Children With Asthma

Family pets are often problematic for children with asthma. Some animals, however, are less likely to worsen asthma symptoms. For families who have a child with asthma or a strong family history of allergies, it’s always best to have some extended exposure with an animal before you decide to bring it home and make it part of your family. It’s better to find out that an animal irritates your child’s asthma before bringing it home rather than afterward.