2 mins read

What Is Behavioral Family Intervention?

For families experiencing extreme stress relative to behavior issues, behavioral family intervention offers a long-term, therapeutic approach. Many parent training programs offered through social service agencies, educational programs and private counselors utilize aspects of behavioral family intervention to treat everything from severely disruptive behavior to mental health issues. Some clients utilize these programs for years, while others attend a few sessions to acquire the tools to do a more self-directed program.

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Baby Name Advice

Many families feel pressure when deciding upon a baby name. Parents may want to please one another in the choices they make or, conversely, may fundamentally disagree. Extended family and friends usually have plenty of baby name advice to share, too, but the ultimate decision rests with the parents and you shouldn’t feel pressured to give your child a name that doesn’t represent your preferences.

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Beautiful Fragrances for Women

Choosing just the right fragrance for women can be daunting. The beauty of a fragrance is in the nose of the beholder, so the citrus accent in Origins Spring Fever may smell clean and fresh to one woman but unromantic to another woman, just as a classic perfume such as Chanel No. 5 might strike just the right floral note for some but seem too traditional for others.

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Toddler Conduct Disorder

Toddler conduct disorder is an umbrella term used to describe a spectrum of behaviors. Before attaching it to your toddler’s behavior, however, you should distinguish between normal developmental behaviors, such as short tantrums or responding with “no” to your requests, and deeper, more harmful misbehavior that show the warning signs of a conduct disorder.

2 mins read

Music Therapy for Children With Developmental Disabilities

Children with developmental disabilities may benefit from various types of interventions, including speech therapy, physical therapy, tutoring and academic or emotional counseling. Music therapy serves a specific role in that it fosters creativity and relaxation while also potentially boosting processing skills, fine motor skills and social skills. When considering music therapy, select a credentialed professional music therapist who has experience working with children with special needs.