2 mins read

Effects of Heavy Backpacks on Children

If you have a child who goes to school, try wearing his backpack around one day. You could be shocked to discover the heavy load your child has to carry around five days a week. The heavier the backpack, the more damage it can do to your child. Typically, kids load backpacks too much, making them too heavy to be safe, according to studies conducted by members of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at San Diego.

2 mins read

How to Burp a Baby Fast

One of the more satisfying aspects of feeding your baby is when you hear a loud burp, letting you know that your baby got rid of that nasty, extra air. If your baby doesn’t get rid of the extra air she takes in from eating, she could spit up or become cranky. With practice, you can learn how to get your baby to burp quickly during and after each feeding session. Varying your burping routine can help your baby burp faster.

2 mins read

How Effective Are Early Pregnancy Tests?

Whether you are excited or worried about the possibility of being pregnant, knowing that you can take an early pregnancy test can end the wondering. If you suspect that you are pregnant with symptoms, such as a missed period, breast tenderness, a sore back, nausea or fatigue, you might want to pick up an early pregnancy test or make an appointment with your doctor to make sure.

3 mins read

Post-Pregnancy Weight Gain

Just because you had dreams of getting into your favorite jeans right after you delivered doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. Sure, you may know a neighbor or read about some celebrity who is walking around in her pre-pregnancy bod in just a mere two or four weeks, but that is not the norm. Gradual weight loss is. In fact, it might not be good for your baby if you lose weight too fast.

3 mins read

How Do I Stop My Child From Stealing?

A child who is 4 years old or younger probably doesn’t understand all the rules about stealing, but a child who is 5 years or older does. Kids older than 5 years know when they’ve stolen something, and they know it’s wrong. But, they may do it anyway. It’s your job as a parent to stop this behavior and to teach your child to respect other people’s rights.