2 mins read

Why Babies Grind Their Teeth

As your baby gets her new set of chompers, she might pick up a new annoying habit. Teeth grinding — or bruxism — is common in babies, especially those who are currently teething. Though this behavior might be grinding on your nerves, there’s usually no reason to be concerned. This too shall pass.

3 mins read

Toddler Urination Problems

Your toddler’s urination problem could be a minor condition or a sign of something more serious. Unfortunately, her limited communication skills can make it difficult to tell what’s really going on. Take all problems seriously — you may be able to solve the problem with slight modifications to your child’s routine or your child may need a visit to her pediatrician.

2 mins read

How to Speed Up Pregnancy Labor

Forty weeks is long enough, but sometimes it seems like your little one would be happy to stay warm in your tummy forever. If you’ve been experiencing some of the signs of labor — occasional contractions, or your cervix starting to dilate, for example — you may want to do what you can to speed up labor. Though these methods won’t work unless you’re body is ready to give birth, you can try to push the process along safely and gently. Every woman is different, so experiment to see what works for you.

2 mins read

My Toddler Has Red Bumps on the Skin

Skin rashes in toddlers, such as red bumps on the skin, are common and could be a result of many different conditions. In most cases, there’s nothing that you need to do — the problem will resolve itself in a few days. Still, it’s helpful to try to determine the cause of the bumps so that you can treat them more effectively.