3 mins read

Hormonal Changes in the First Trimester of Pregnancy

When you become pregnant, the first thing your body does is go into hormone production overload, creating the array of hormones necessary to secure your pregnancy and help your baby to grow and to develop. While these hormonal changes rarely have a visible effect, you will certainly feel this chemical change within your body. Because these hormonal changes occur so rapidly after conception, you may begin feeling the effects of these changes before you even realize you are expecting.

2 mins read

Breast Tenderness When Weaning

Weaning has an undeniable emotional impact on many mothers, as they struggle to let go of the physical connection they once shared with their nursing tot. Along with this emotional challenge often also comes slight physical pain in the form of breast tenderness. As your body adjusts to your lack of nursing, you will likely experience some minor discomfort. This tenderness is perfectly normal and, in most cases, quite mild.