3 mins read

What Causes Bad Behavior in Children?

No child is an angel 100 percent of the time, but some children demonstrate bad behavior more than others. If your child seems to misbehave more than the norm, this deviance could be the result of an assortment of issues. If you want to reduce your child’s misbehavior frequency, determine what issues are at the root of this problem behavior so that you can tackle them more effectively.

2 mins read

Manic Depression in Teens

While a little bit of depression is almost characteristic of teenage hood, some teens suffer from a medical condition that makes their bouts of depression and rebounding fits of mania even more severe. Teens who struggle with manic depression are not capable of handling many of the minor issues that traditionally fill the teenage years. If you notice that your teen’s upset is not fleeting, but instead more severe than most, he may be a manic depressive sufferer.

3 mins read

Guided Imagery for Children

Guided imagery, the practice of imagining yourself into a desirable reality, is an effective way for children to deal with pain or emotional trauma. As FamilyEducation reports, children are keenly capable of taking advantage of the benefits of guided imagery. I your child is prone to fits of stress or is in the midst of a painful struggle, consider putting guided imagery to work as a way to help him make it through his challenges.

3 mins read

Baby Motor Skills

When your baby first enters the world, he will be helpless. This will all change quite rapidly, though — perhaps more rapidly than you would like. During the first year of your baby’s life, he will transform in front of your eyes, changing from that helpless infant to a moving child capable of getting into anything and everything in his path.

3 mins read

How to Prevent My Child From Being Spoiled

If you view your child as a little princess and treat her as such, you run the risk of producing a spoiled child. While the desire to give your child everything is natural, responding to your tot’s every whim can leave her with a warped impression of how important she is in the grand scheme of things. By taking care to avoid over-indulging your child and setting boundaries within which your child must operate, you can ensure that your child feels valuable without spoiling her.