2 mins read

How to Identify Depression in Children

While you hope that your child’s youth is full of nothing but happiness and laughter, you should know that childhood depression is a real problem that could stand in the way of this happiness. Approximately 3 percent of young children, and 9 percent of teens, will experience the effects of serious depression, reports WebMD. If you think that your child may suffering from depression, be on the lookout for its common signs.

3 mins read

Unexplained Fevers in Children

When your child comes down with a fever, you likely immediately begin looking for a cause. While it is sometimes easy to determine what ailment is leading to your child’s temperature spike, there are instances in which childhood fever goes unexplained for a long period of time. These unexplained fevers can prove stressful to parents eager to help their children overcome their ailments and get back to their old ready-to-play selves.

3 mins read

Infected Pierced Ears in Children

While earrings can make your little girls’ ear lobes more beautiful, if they are untended to, these piercings can become a source of infection. To ensure that your child’s earrings remain a thing of beauty, and not a source of pain, check her ears for infection regularly. If your child is old enough to monitor her own ear health, allow her to play a part by teaching her both how to spot, and how to avoid, ear piercing-related infections.

2 mins read

How to Tell If a Child Has Asthma

Asthma is a highly common breathing-related disorder that affects approximately five million American children, reports the American Academy of Pediatrics. Diagnosing this disorder quickly is important, as there are treatments that can prevent the problem from becoming even more difficult for your child to bear. If you think that your child may be one of the five million kids who suffer from asthma, be on the look out for some signs of the disorder, and share your concerns with his doctor as soon as possible.

3 mins read

Teenage Migraines

Many migraine sufferers experience their first migraine-related difficulties during their teen years. If your teen’s headaches seem to be worse than the norm, it is possible that she is beginning to experience migraines. If left unchecked, your teen’s migraines could result in academic difficulties and make her miss activities while she is forced to spend days in bed coping with her head pain. To ensure that your teen doesn’t suffer these ill effects, deal with her migraines as soon as you spot them.