2 mins read

Children & Outdoor Play

For many adults, their happiest childhood memories revolve around outdoor play, spending time in their own back yards or at a neighborhood park. And, of course, recess was an outside activity as long as the weather was cooperative. Today, although there may be some extenuating circumstances attached to outdoor play, there are still plenty of benefits for kids of all ages.

3 mins read

How to Teach Children Proper Hygiene

Maintaining good hygiene is habit forming; once kids have practice in taking care of their bodies, it will become automatic. Using little rhymes, sayings and games for encouragement works more effectively than nagging, and some kids will respond to using products like shampoo, soaps and toothbrushes they pick out themselves. Even toddlers can begin learning to care for themselves; by the time kids are in middle school they should be able to manage their own personal hygiene routines.

3 mins read

How Many Hours Should a Teenager Sleep?

A teenager who stays up until 1:00 in the morning on Saturday and sleeps until noon the next day is telling his parent some vital information: if left to his own devices, he would get 11 hours of sleep. That same teenager, staying up until 1:00 on a Tuesday morning and getting up when the alarm clock rings at 6:30 a.m. is obviously not going to be prepared for the day on half the sleep he got on a weekend night.

3 mins read

How to Teach Kids Sun Safety

Parents may be convinced by stats and facts about the dangers of too much sun, but it may take some effort to make believers out of their kids. In addition to explanations about why it’s important to take precautions in the sun, it helps to let kids participate in planning their protection. Visual aids, charts and choices can lead to compliance when it comes to avoiding too much sun.

3 mins read

Cute Ways to Do Baby Rooms

Department stores are filled with instant decorating ideas for baby’s rooms. Quilts, lamps, wall decorations and more are available in motifs ranging from Winnie the Pooh to Peter Rabbit to more up-to-date storybook, TV and movie characters. Primary colors for babies’ rooms have always been popular, as have pastels. But going beyond these, you can explore a range of cute and original ideas you can adapt for your little one’s nursery.