3 mins read

Brown Spotting While Pregnant

Any spotting or bleeding during pregnancy can be scary, but in many cases it does not signify a serious problem. This is especially true if the spotting is brown in color and if it occurs during the first trimester. In fact, spotting is relatively common during the first trimester, according to PregnancyToday. It is, however, important to contact your doctor whenever you have an onset of any kind of spotting during your pregnancy.

2 mins read

Excessive Thirst During Pregnancy

Some women are said to have skin that glows during pregnancy. It’s possible this glow is caused in part by all that water you are drinking. Excessive thirst during pregnancy is common, according to AskDrSears.com. In most cases, the reasons you are so thirsty can be attributed to normal changes in the body during pregnancy.

4 mins read

Baby Brain Development in the Womb

Your baby’s brain starts developing almost at the moment of conception, according to the Long Island Spectrum Center website. By the time you are three weeks pregnant, the developing embryo has formed a neural groove, which is the foundation for the brain structure. By the time your baby is born, her brain will have over 100 billion neurons.

2 mins read

Ginseng Tea During Pregnancy

Some expectant mothers who give up coffee during their pregnancies instead turn to herbal teas. At first glance, ginseng tea may seem like a good choice. American and Asian ginseng are both known to have many health benefits. Unfortunately, the risks of ginseng tea far outweigh the benefits for pregnant women.

2 mins read

Healthy Cookies for Children

Cookies are always a favorite with children, but they are often loaded with empty calories. Change up your recipes to make your cookies healthier by limiting the amount of sugar; substituting whole grain flour for white; and adding nutritious ingredients such as dried fruit and nuts. Then, keep the cookies kid-friendly by encouraging your children to help you bake them.