6 mins read

Getting Pregnant as a Surrogate

It had been two long weeks since the embryo transfer and I was anxiously awaiting a call from the doctor in California (who had done the procedure) with my blood test results. Everything we had been doing and working toward for the past three months had come down to the results the doctor was due to call with at any moment. I was driving myself crazy with worry, wondering what was taking him so long. That morning I was the first person in and out of the lab in Houston for blo

6 mins read

Fertility: One Mom's True Story

It had been two long weeks since the embryo transfer and I was anxiously awaiting a call from the doctor in California (who had done the procedure) with my blood test results. Everything we had been doing and working toward for the past three months had come down to the results the doctor was due to call with at any moment. I was driving myself crazy with worry, wondering what was taking him so long. That morning I was the first person in and out of the lab in Houston for blood work, the results just had to be in.