2 mins read

Irregular Menstrual Cycles in an Infertility Patient

Irregular menstrual cycles in an infertility patient can signal a patient who is not ovulating. Usually, the egg gets released mid-cycle (around day 14) during a normal ovulatory cycle, and if there is no pregnancy, then a menstrual cycle will occur two weeks later ( completing a 28 day cycle that month. ie: the ‘norm’) If the cycle is short (for example only 21 days), or long (more than 35 days), it can mean the patient is having trouble with ovulation.

8 mins read

Ovarian Aging and Infertility

The decrease in female fecundity beginning after the age of 30 and exaggerated after 40 is a well documented finding. This age-related decline in fertility is the result of several factors that contribute to overall reproductive failure. Women over 35 require a longer period to achieve conception than younger women, and a higher percentage of older women will never achieve pregnancy. In addition, the rate of early pregnancy wastage increases substantially during the 30s, and is over 50% after age 40.