6 mins read

What an Autism Parent Notices

What an Autism Parent Notices   This happens to me all the time. (I’ll assume this also happens to lots of AutParents.) I’m in a breakfast room at a hotel. I get up to get a spoon and I notice this seven or eight-year-old boy organizing the salt and pepper packets in the container. He’s…

3 mins read

Autism and a New Study

Autism and a New Study Happy New Year 2022 Recently, I came across a study that provides one explanation on why autism presents in males more than females. NOTE: This is only one small study conducted by Dr. Christine Ecker of Goethe University in Germany. What did the study say? The study looked at why…

5 mins read

Autism-Only School Environments

Autism-Only School Environments Yet another article has inspired me to blog about a new topic. Is an autism-only schooling environment better or worse for a child on the autism spectrum? What a great discussion topic. My son was in a typical high school general education environment (a large school). He had two accommodations (down from…

3 mins read

Autism and a Bus Ride

My child with autism will attend a local college at the end of the month. We have decided that most of time he can take a bus to school. This led us to make a suggestion for a summer experiment. What was the suggestion? Practice your bus ride to school. First, we got him a…