2 mins read

Soothing Baby Music Ideas

Colicky, anxious or stressed infants will calm down naturally when they hear soft and smoothing music. Music can be used to improve a babys mood, increase focus and encourage deep relaxation. Many parents use music to lull a baby to sleep at night, but soothing music can be used at any time of the day to reduce anxiety or tension and slow down the babys heart rate.

3 mins read

How to Stimulate a Baby with Toys

Infant development toys and activities encourage babies to learn about the world around them and develop essential skills for communication, motor development, hand-eye coordination and even walking. Toys and games designed to stimulate childrens minds will help them develop all of their senses so that they can begin performing more complex tasks such as playing, problem solving and communicating with other children and adults.

2 mins read

How Important Is Protein to a Developing Baby?

Since a developing baby depends on his mothers diet for all of his nutritional needs, the expectant mother must eat a nourishing diet to support healthy growth and development of her baby. Protein is one of several essential nutritional requirements during pregnancy because it provides the amino acids needed for adequate bone and muscle development. Eating enough protein is essential for healthy development of new cells in the placenta and maternal tissues and encourages healthy blood production. Protein consumption during pregnancy has also been linked to a lower the risk of neonatal death and the occurrence of certain birth defects.

2 mins read

Best Infant Development Toys

The right infant development toys can nurture your newborns motor skills, teach her to make facial expressions and sounds, and help her to see more clearly as her concentration improves. You dont have to invest in expensive toys to enhance your babys learning abilities; there are several simple toys that can help her learn important skills and acquire knowledge as she grows. Different toys can help babies reach important developmental milestones, such as learning to touch, taste, communicate and use all their senses. Here are some of the best infant development toys you can buy for your newborn.