Happy Memories
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Happy Memories

“Life Is Bout Making Happy Memories” – My dear and wise friend

Another great weekend in Malibu.

Shaya is officially a swimmer now, and Rain is totally safe! We decided to cram in a bunch of swimming lessons in the past few weeks to be sure they are both water safe. What a relief. I’m not sure who is prouder of Shaya- David and me or SHAYA!

My oldest daughter went away on a trip and that was bitter sweet. I am so happy to see her growing up, independent, and excited about new friends and life. I just wish she wouldn’t have had the “I can’t wait to get the hell outa here” look on her face, as mine was saying, “wait just one more hug.”

But, I realize that my job as her mom is to know how to let go at times and allow her to have the time of her life. Easier said than done.

My girlfriend said life is about making happy memories. Even when her kids are fighting, instead of bitching she says, “Uh, you’re not making happy memories and you better…” So we decided to make lots of ’em this weekend! David took a bunch of pictures and we are putting together a coffee table book “summer 2011” so we can capture these moments on the pages of a family photo album for many years to come. Here is one of my favorites:

One of my favorite hobbies is working in my rose garden. David traded his childhood Jeep 3 years ago for 200 rose bushes for me and now they are GORGEOUS! Sunday, I worked with the kids cutting, pruning and filling all my vases.


David and I finally found a sport to enjoy together. We’ve been paddling in Malibu. It’s so beautiful. This morning 3 dolphins swam by right in front of us. We paddled as close as we could, sat on our boards and watched them play. It was surreal, lucky and so special. We always feel that dolphins bring good luck. Then a giant stingray swam by me. I was really hoping not to fall in at moments considering what the ocean may deliver next! It was a special day. Back on the beach my two youngest cheered us on, looking more like an old married couple, too cute! 

I love Sundays… I wish there were more…


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