Diet Soda May Raise Stroke Risk
New research raises concerns about diet soda, finding higher risks for stroke and heart attack among people who drink it every day as compared with those who don’t drink any soda.
This study was presented Wednesday at the American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference in Los Angeles. In the study of more than 2,500 subjects, people who drank diet soda daily had a 61% increased risk of cardiovascular events compared to those who drank no soda at all. This was found to be true even when accounting for smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption and daily calories.
But, before you swear off diet soda for good, keep in mind that this was a questionnaire-based study that is generating a lot of criticism by diet, nutrition and vascular disease experts who suggest the study did not show cause and effect.
One obvious explanation for these findings could be that people who drink a lot of diet soda in general make less healthy lifestyle choices than those who refrain from soda alltogether.
Doctors are calling for further studies on this topic before advising people to stop drinking diet soda. But, many agree that for those who have other risk factors and/or a family history of heart problems, it may be wise to avoid diet soda until further testing is done.
How often do you drink diet soda? Will this study affect your consumption?