3 mins read

Boys Birthday Party Ideas

The secret to a successful party for boys is plenty of activity and very little, if any, downtime. Use the birthday boy’s interests as a starting point for coming up with a party theme; in fact, most kids like being in on the planning of a party more than they like being surprised. An activity-filled party, along with some hearty fare, will result in fun-filled memories for both the birthday celebrant and his guests.

3 mins read

Birthday Party Game Ideas for Boys

Most children look forward to birthday parties with great anticipation. You can’t go wrong when you put together a party with a little sugar, a few presents and a lot of friends. Add some games into the mix, and you have a recipe for fun. Boys and girls like many of the same games. In particular, due to hormonal differences, boys enjoy games that have a lot of movement, according to Brainy Child. The best games are ones that match the theme of the party, are creative, and let everyone be a winner.

3 mins read

Birthday Party Ideas for an 8-Year-Old

One minute, your almost-8-year-old child is bossy and selfish; the next, she’s helpful and happy. This emotional roller coaster can wreck havoc on your emotions, so when she has definite ideas for her upcoming birthday party, pay attention or suffer the wrath. At this age, she’s a friend magnet, especially with other girls, and wants desperately to feel part of the gang, according to greatschools.org, so keep that in mind when planning this party with her.