2 mins read

Breast Pain After Weaning

If you have been breastfeeding your baby, you are probably in a routine, but you have to stop eventually. If your child is showing signs and you know you are ready to stop breastfeeding, you might find yourself in the same pain you had at the beginning of breastfeeding. Eliminate some of the pain to make this weaning process as easy on you as possible.

2 mins read

How to Burp a Baby Fast

One of the more satisfying aspects of feeding your baby is when you hear a loud burp, letting you know that your baby got rid of that nasty, extra air. If your baby doesn’t get rid of the extra air she takes in from eating, she could spit up or become cranky. With practice, you can learn how to get your baby to burp quickly during and after each feeding session. Varying your burping routine can help your baby burp faster.

3 mins read

Early Signs of Pregnancy While on Birth Control

No matter what type of birth control you use, you still have a chance of getting pregnant. Abstinence is the only 100-percent effective method of birth control. Rates of pregnancy occurring while on birth control range from 0.09 percent to 9 percent, depending on the type of birth control used, according to a chart provided by AmazingPregnancy.com. Birth control itself can make it difficult to know if you have become pregnant; some forms of birth control create pregnancy-like symptoms, and others cause the menstrual cycle to be irregular. If you have two or more of the following symptoms, go ahead and take a pregnancy test to find out for sure.

2 mins read

Breastfeeding Tips for Working Moms

New moms face many challenges and decisions in the first few months. Breastfeeding is a decision many moms choose, but working and breastfeeding is often a challenge. Pumping in the supply closet, engorgement and leaking breasts are just a few trials a working mom might face. A commitment to breastfeeding and support from your partner increases your chances of nursing success as you reenter the work force.