2 mins read

Color Blindness Test for Kids

Color blindness affects around 1 in every 25 children, according to the Optometric Physicians of Washington website. Often called color vision deficiency, this condition affects far more boys than girls. Eight percent of boys have some type of color deficiency, as opposed to less than 1 percent of girls. A simple test can determine whether or not your child suffers from color blindness.

3 mins read

Unexplained Fevers in Children

When your child comes down with a fever, you likely immediately begin looking for a cause. While it is sometimes easy to determine what ailment is leading to your child’s temperature spike, there are instances in which childhood fever goes unexplained for a long period of time. These unexplained fevers can prove stressful to parents eager to help their children overcome their ailments and get back to their old ready-to-play selves.