2 mins read

Tip on Potty Training Toddler

Your child begins experiencing milestones early in life. These exciting moments include taking his first steps, saying his first words and sleeping through the night. Another important first involves moving from diapers into big boy pants. Although you may eagerly anticipate completing this procedure quickly, your little guy may show some resistance to potty training.

3 mins read

Potty Training Pearls of Wisdom

People that know me well will tell you that I’m not a scaredy cat by nature. In fact, I laugh in the face of danger! Okay, so maybe I don’t laugh at it, but I will snicker at it occasionally. But I must admit there are a few things that strike fear in my heart. Things that are so horrible that I get a shiver down my spine just thinking of them. Things like bad bikini waxes and colon cleanses. Or the thought of Britney and K-Fed getting back together. Or something else that I experienced and lived to blog about.

7 mins read

Too Old For Training Wheels!

Maybe Im old fashioned, but I feel that there are certain basic, life skills that all people should acquire during childhood. For example, tying shoelaces would be one of them. So would cutting food with a knife and fork. Also, the theme of my post today, learning to ride a bike. Oh, Lord.

3 mins read

Circuit Training Workouts for Kids

While gyms and fitness boot camps often use circuit training to target people’s major muscle groups and keep the heart rate raised, children’s circuit training has a variety of goals and benefits. The primary aspect of effective kids’ circuit training is that it offers diverse, developmentally appropriate activities that do not rely as much on calisthenics, floor work or hydraulic exercise machines. Keep the pace fast and the mood upbeat, and children will discover new challenges.