3 mins read

What to Do When You Hate Your Friend’s Kid

Hate is such a strong word, of course (how?s ?abhor??). But let?s face it: sometimes your fellow-Mommy soul mate comes attached with the child of your nightmares. How is it that a woman who is so cool, and seems to agree with so many of your parenting philosophies, has a kid so diametrically opposed to yours (or so you?d like to believe)? You love hanging out with her, but you don?t know how much more of her child you can take. Here?s what to do before smoke starts pouring from your ears:

3 mins read

How to Tell If He Is Lying to You by His Hand Movements?

While some men are–thankfully–not skilled in the art of lying, others lie so adeptly that it can be next to impossible to distinguish an untruth. If you question the validity of your man’s statements, but feel powerless to determine whether he is lying, the answer could be as close as his hands. Experts in the field insist that many liars manifest their lying behavior in hand movements. In an MSNBC report, the hand movements indicative of a lie were compared to the old Japanese saying, “Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.” By considering the senses discussed in this common phrase and watching your guy’s hands the next time he spins a yarn, you may just be able to put your uncertainty to rest.

3 mins read

Map His Erogenous Zones

Learning your lover’s erogenous zones can heat things up in the bedroom. While some of those special spots are quite obvious, others may surprise you. Once you know the areas that make him tingle, you’ll find it easier than ever to turn him on. Finding them is sure to be fun and will make an excellent addition to any romantic evening. He might even take a hint and try the same on you sometime soon.

2 mins read

10 Good & Easy Flirting Tips

Flirting is the art of playfully drawing the attention of a desirable man or woman and holding it. Doing it probably already comes naturally to you. Doing it well takes practice. Mastering it can mean a date for next Saturday night. Next time you go out, practice these 10 simple flirting tips to catch the eye of that cute guy or girl and keep it.