2 mins read

Advice for Men Wanting a Divorce

Although you entered your marriage with great expectations, you many eventually determine that you want a divorce. Deciding to get a divorce requires serious contemplation and soul searching. Reaching this decision marks the beginning of your divorce proceedings. Like other things in life, men and women respond differently to the emotional, social and financial impacts of divorce. Divorced men must deal with many changes, including fathering responsibilities, financial standards, living arrangements and emotional adjustments.

6 mins read

Can Snoring Ruin Your Relationship?

It may sound a like a funny question, but there’s nothing funny about it when you’re with a partner that snores. In fact, studies are saying that snoring can and has ruined relationships. Say your husband is snoring, for example, the next thing you know you two are sleeping separately and then what? No more sex life. Not getting enough sleep can impact your daily life and relationships with family and friends. We had a little office poll and a few of us said we wouldn’t even continue dating someone if we found out they snored. Then again, sometimes snoring happens with age, and not something your partner does within the first few years you’re with them. Look at these shocking statistics on snoring! What would you do if your partner snored? Sleep on the couch? Leave? (A little extreme, we know…)

5 mins read

23 Ways to Fight Fair with Your Husband

Thirty years of marriage counseling and 25 years of a second marriage have convinced me that couples do not need to fight; they need to discuss. Married couples need to solve problems, and sometimes they need to disagree, but they don’t need to squabble, argue or bicker. Fights are dramatic, a dynamic that does not really help a discussion. If you have enough energy to create drama, you have more than enough to tone it down into a discussion. However, because social expectations and mythology are so strong (fighting is often glorified in films and on television as a sign of passion), many of my clients want guidelines for “fighting fair.” I’ve developed a set of Fair Fight Guidelines you may find helpful.

5 mins read

Tips to Save Money at Home

If it feels like your expenses are growing faster than your income, a few simple strategies at home may keep more money in the bank account. Cutting back to save money often brings to mind meals of Ramen noodles, lighting the room with candles or huddling together for warmth. While these extremes are always an option, less drastic strategies save money across different spending areas, adding up to a significant savings.