4 mins read

What’s Love Got to Do with It?

Ive written many entries on using your intuition when it comes to love, dating, and relationships. Ive talked about everything from reinventing your love life and changing your dating mindset to using your intuition when it comes to the scent of attraction and the sound of your dates voice. Ultimately, trusting your intuition will help you much more than any how-to-date manual.

6 mins read

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others!

Each of us has been blessed with unique qualities. No one else in the history of the world has lived through the exact same life experiences as you, thinks the same thoughts as you, or possesses the unique mix of gifts, qualities and even wonderful quirks as YOU. The Divine made all of us with love; each of us is eternally worthy and valuable.

3 mins read

Horoscopes & Love Compatibility

Scorpios have a temper, Libras are flirtatious and Leos like themselves a little too much–or so writes Joanna Martine Woolfolk in “The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need.” Understanding your partner’s–or potential partner’s–astrological chart can provide insights into why you always argue about money or how to avoid awakening his jealousy.