Prenatal Music Belts And Fetal Development
1 min read

Prenatal Music Belts And Fetal Development

Are you a fan of the TV show Bones? We are, and we were super interested by last week’s episode when Dr. Temperance “Bones” Brennan (played by Emily Deschanel) strapped on a prenatal audio sound system belt. Called the Ritmo Pregnancy Advanced Sound System, Brennan’s belt of choice is one of several on the market meant to deliver music to your baby-to-be.

Research has shown that just 20 weeks after conception, your baby’s ears have formed. By the 30th week, he or she will have the ability to hear noises. Several different studies have shown that music stimulates an unborn child’s brain and that they are able to remember the music they hear while in the womb afte

For more information on fetal development check out our article on How to Make a Baby Smarter in the Womb.

Here are a few prenatal music options:

Lullabelly Prenatal Music Belt – Available in a bunch of fun colors, the Lullabelly plugs into any portable music player. It comes with a sound splitter and earphones so mom and dad can listen too.

Ritmo Pregnancy Advanced Sound System – With a controller, four speakers and a spandex housing belt, this is one of the more high tech ways to give your baby an audio experience in the womb.

Bellybuds – These wearable speakers are specially designed to adhere to a pregnant belly. They can even be worn under clothes.

What do you think? Would you strap on a baby music belt?



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