A Slimmer, Healthier, Happier You: Starting right now
You don’t have to wait for the New Year to bring a slim and healthy mindset to the forefront of your consciousness. You also don’t have to limit your thinking to just exercising and strict dieting to lose weight and get healthier. There are other things you can do throughout the day besides diet and exercise that will lead to, or maintain, a slimmer, healthier, happier you.
Here are some everyday tips to help you look, feel and be slimmer, healthier and happier. If you manage just 2 or 3 of these you’ll really see and feel the difference. Implement 1 or 2 starting now and try to keep it up through to the New Year!
1) Think Thin. Before actions, eating, social planning, etc… think to yourself, “Will this make me, or keep me healthy and thin?” If the answer is “no”– then find a way to modify what you are about to engage in.
2) Breathe more – this has a few thinning benefits. Oxygen is the gasoline of your metabolism; The more you breathe, the more cals you burn. Oxygen also calms you down, the more calm and content you are the less likely you are to eat from stress or emotions. Meditating believe it or not is my nightly routine to avoid snacking after 8pm. IT WORKS.
3) Carry a book, magazine or be engaged in a game or reading on your phone. Again this fills space instead of snacking.
4. Brush your teeth after you eat. This prevents unnecessary snacking after meals. And it keeps your smile top notch. I employed this method 6 months ago and when I saw my hygienist for a cleaning last week she was shocked at how clean and healthy my teeth were.
5) Chew your food! The more conscious you are the less you eat. This also allows your food to digest more easily, quickly and efficiently. Leaving you less bloated, less lethargic and generally feeling better.
6) Get in touch with the gratitude in your life. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not We all have something to be grateful for, This one always sounds so corny but it does keep you skinny. When you are aware of the goodness in your life you are less likely to try and “eat yourself into a better place.” The danger with eating to achieve wholeness is that we often do it unconsciously. Gratitude settles your mind makes you feel whole.
7) Do 1 thing just for yourself everyday. It does not need to be fitness either. It can be a manicure, haircut, taking time to read, even making an appointment or the act of signing up for a class is taking care of yourself. Otherwise the only pleasure that you are getting in your day, just for you is eating-this will always lead to over consumption.
Good Luck! Remember, we are all in this together :o)