8 mins read

Can Kids and Pets Mix?

My daughter Ava and I have started a new tradition: every once in a while, we like to visit the kitties at the Humane Society. My girlfriends think Im crazy. Doesnt it break your heart? they ask. Im a little embarrassed to admit that it doesnt. I see the cats lounging in their semi-private studio apartments with wall-to-wall blanketing. Sure, theyre imprisoned, but this is hardly San Quentin. Bleeding hearts ask how I can resist bringing one home.

2 mins read

Budget Cooking for a Family

Budget cooking for families provides multiple challenges, including integrating healthful ingredients that children will eat, keeping dishes simple to prepare and using fresh and unprocessed foods. Frugal cooks begin as frugal shoppers, locating basics that help them stretch their grocery dollars. Establish a few key favorite recipes that you vary with whatever fruits and vegetables are in season and affordable to keep flavors fresh and interesting.

2 mins read

Pregnancy Safety Tips

A normal pregnancy does not usually require you to take to your bed for the duration of gestation. Your doctor will encourage you to continue your normal activities, including work, exercise and social life. While your baby is developing, however, you can take certain safety precautions to ensure that you and your baby stay safe during your pregnancy.