Search Results for: accepted
How Parenting Techniques From Older Generations Harm Today’s Mom
Many of us, like myself, were raised by parents that grew up in the 50's, 60's, and 70's. Parenting from individuals from that generation was vastly different from parenting now. The information that we have now was not as abundant and therapy visits were not as widely accepted as it is today. There was no…
From Majee To Mommy: The Journey Of Going From A Stepmother To A Mother
As a little girl I fantasized about what I would be when I grew up. I planned my wedding, picked names for my children, and designed my dream home. I was so caught up in my master plan that when I was hit with a curve ball as an adult I didn’t know how to…
There is power in writing; it can inspire action.
Here I am, on day 3,674 of stay at home orders. It’s my official first day as the associate editor for Modern Mom, and I’m typing from my bed with the TV on in the background and a 5-year-old by my side. My how times have changed. Or have they? The pandemic is an unprecedented…
The Only Mom On The Baseball Field
There are many new experiences that we go through in the wake of a divorce. The feeling of sleeping alone in a bed bought for two, the sudden realization that you have to find a plus one for your friend’s wedding and even figuring out what to do on Sundays once football season starts.
Autism and the In-Between Parenting
Autism and the In-Between Parenting What is the In-Between Parenting? It’s a term I made up for the following situation. I have an eighteen-year-old with autism. He’s about to graduate high school and attend a local community college in the fall. We do not have a conservatorship with him. What is a conservatorship? It is…