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Slow Cooker Mung Bean Soup Recipe
Have you ever tried grinding your own spices? This was the first time I ground my own and I wondered if there would be much of a difference between grinding my own versus buying the pre-ground spices. The aroma was so lovely and bold. After trying it myself, I would say there is a big difference in freshness and scent, and I highly recommend grinding your own spices if possible. It took only 1 minute …
Choosing the Right Health Care Provider
There is one thing all expectant mothers have in common: Each and every one wants the healthiest start for her unborn baby.
Popular Teen Hairstyles
As your kid turns into a teen, you will likely find that the child who was once content to run about with her hair in shambles will suddenly want each strand in place before she heads to school each day. As your teen develops this new interest, you can play a part in helping her select and maintain her look by exploring the world of teen hairstyles, and considering which ‘do might be best for your image-conscious teenager.
Summer Teen Employment
Taking a summer job is nearly a teen rite of passage. Whether it’s flipping burgers or mowing lawns, many teens enjoy using their time off of school to pad their pockets and build some real-world work experience. While teen summer jobs are still obtainable, they may not be as readily available to today’s teens as they were in decades past, making acquiring one of these sought-after summer positions a bit more of a challenge.
Tips on Hair Care After Swimming
While swimming can do wonders for the body, it isn’t always so great for your hair. If you fail to take haircare precautions, a summer of swimming can leave your hair a chlorine-damaged mess. Hair damage, however, is not a foregone conclusion — a little TLC can remedy chlorine’s negative impact.