2 mins read

Vitamins for Tiredness in Women

For moms, it can be a challenge to keep up with kids. Once your baby begins walking — and don’t forget running — keeping up can become more of a challenge. Being tired can complicate the matter even further. While you can’t bottle your child’s energy, you can find vitamins designed to help you combat tiredness. Be sure to review your plans to take vitamins with your physician.

4 mins read

Kids’ Park Activities

A trip to the park is always a top favorite of kids, and an hour or two of playground activity will typically give the parents a breather while allowing the kids to burn off energy. While energetic playtime will build your kids’ social and physical skills, a park is also an ideal place for unstructured teaching. By allowing your kids to explore and question what they see in a park, you can teach them about the world around them in a safe, secure environment. When you return home, you can look up more information and expand on the wonders you found hiding at the park.