4 mins read

The Best Love Matches for Aries

Blunt, direct and assertive — that’s how Madeline Gerwick-Brodeur and Lisa Lenard describe Aries in “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Astrology.” Born between March 21 and April 20, Aries the Ram is the first of the Zodiac signs and the first of the Fire signs. When it comes to love, Aries match up well with other Fire signs, though other signs offer challenge, something no Aries can resist.

3 mins read

The Best Love Match for Capricorns

Capricorns have a reputation for being cool customers–career-driven social climbers without a romantic bone in their bodies. Beneath the practical exterior, though, the right partner will find a heart that’s fiercely loyal and smoldering passions waiting to be ignited. Linda Goodman, whose 1994 book “Love Signs: A New Approach to the Human Heart” detailed the romantic possibilities of every conceivable astrological match, describes Capricorn’s vision of love as “a quiet and undemanding exchange of personal gratification.”

7 mins read

Can You Survive a Cheating Husband?

So weve all heard of Sandra Bullocks motor-head husband Jesse James having some sexy times with a girl nicknamed Bombshell, while Ms. Bullock was off filming The Blind Side. I guess with this guy, when the cats away, the mouse will play. And what about Sam Mendez, husband to the beautiful Kate Winslet? Hes rumored to have also cheated. And we all know about the famous, Mr. Tiger Woods. Im glad to see youve put your Buddhist bracelet back on maybe it will remind you to keep your pecker in your pants!

6 mins read

Independence: A Must!

Independence: The state or quality of being independent; freedom from dependence; exemption from reliance on, or control by others; self-subsistence or maintenance; direction of ones own affairs without interference. Independence: Yours. Your childrens. How do we create our own, and foster our childrens independence? Im going to cover this topic under one umbrella, because whether youre 6, 16, 36 or 66, every girl or woman needs to be equipped with independence skills.