3 mins read

How to Give a Layered Hair Cut

A layered haircut, sometimes referred to as a circle cut, is one of the most versatile hairstyles. This cut can look fabulous on short hair, long hair, as a formal style or when going casual. Cutting your family’s hair at home can save you a great deal of money by avoiding frequent trips to the salon. However, the perceived complexity of the layered haircut may be intimidating for the home stylist looking to save a buck. Fortunately, a layered haircut can be both fast and easy when you know a few tricks.

6 mins read

Independence: A Must!

Independence: The state or quality of being independent; freedom from dependence; exemption from reliance on, or control by others; self-subsistence or maintenance; direction of ones own affairs without interference. Independence: Yours. Your childrens. How do we create our own, and foster our childrens independence? Im going to cover this topic under one umbrella, because whether youre 6, 16, 36 or 66, every girl or woman needs to be equipped with independence skills.