3 mins read

Thyroid Disorders in Women

According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, women are eight times more likely to experience thyroid disease than men. Women with thyroid diseases have various symptoms that range in intensity and frequency. The best treatment for a disorder of the thyroid depends on the underlying cause of the condition.

4 mins read

Toddler Sleep Disorders

A toddler’s sleep problems may not necessarily be due to a physiological disorder. In fact, a child is more likely to have a difficult time sleeping when a regular bedtime routine is not followed. Many infants and young toddlers simply need time to develop a good sleeping pattern. Because toddlers continue to spend more time in light REM sleep than older children, they tend to wake more often through the night.

3 mins read

Seizure Disorders in Babies

While certainly scary, seizure disorders in babies are not as uncommon as many would think and, in many cases, do not necessarily mean that your child is going to have to struggle with seizures his entire life. If your infant has experienced a seizure, there could be an assortment of causes at the root, ranging from nearly benign to potentially serious.

3 mins read

Seizure Disorders in Children

Children who have experienced at least two seizures in their lifetime may be diagnosed with a seizure disorder, also commonly known as epilepsy. When a child has a seizure, changes in the electric activity of his brain can cause him to convulse, pass out or simply stare into space. A seizure disorder can be a frightening thing for a child to have, but with treatment and support, many children go on to live a seizure-free life.