3 mins read

Tips on Sleeping Comfortably While Pregnant

Lack of sleep often comes with the newborn phase, but many women experience sleep difficulties long before the baby is born. Frequent urination, heartburn, aches and other discomforts are responsible for some pregnant women losing sleep at night. Getting comfortable at bed time becomes more of a challenge as your belly grows and limits your sleeping options.

3 mins read

Rock Concerts During Pregnancy

If you live and breathe music, you don’t have to give up your love affair just because you’re pregnant. In most cases, enjoying the occasional rock concert while with child is perfectly safe. However, your condition does present an array of issues that you must consider to ensure that your concert-going experience is a pleasurable and safe one for you and your developing fetus.

3 mins read

Baby Intellectual Development

During his first years of life, your baby will develop significantly, changing from a malleable, albeit adorable, lump to a walking, talking little person. Newborns move through a series of intellectual developmental stages during their first years. As your baby moves through the world around her, she is constantly learning and evolving, becoming more aware of the things around her daily.

4 mins read

When Will My Baby Sleep Through the Night?

While you likely knew long before the baby arrived that the weeks immediately following her birth would be a bit light on sleep, it is still often hard to adjust to this exhausting sleep pattern. It is understandable that as you move through the exhausting nights of continually interrupted sleep that you will become eager for your little angel to rest her head for more than three hours at a time. Try to avoid getting stressed over this temporary stage. As your kiddo continues to grow and develop, she, like all babies, will likely sleep longer, allowing you more restful nights.

3 mins read

Easy & Cheap Tips to Manage Dry & Frizzy Hair

Hair gets exposed to a great deal of daily wear and tear, in addition to the effects of some nasty environmental elements. Both the environment and personal habits can make your hair more vulnerable to dryness and breakage, unless you keep it in top condition. Hair needs nutrients and moisture, and when it doesn’t get enough of either, dryness, split ends and frizz are often the result.