4 mins read

A Busy Mom’s Guide to Whole Family Oral Health

As a modern mom, juggling countless responsibilities often leaves little time to focus on yourself, let alone the dental health of your entire family. However, maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for overall well-being. Fortunately, with some practical strategies and time-saving tips, you can ensure your family’s smiles stay healthy and bright, even amidst the…

5 mins read

How to Set Healthy Screen Time Limits for Your Kids

Parents primary technology concern used to be with the amount of time children spent in front of the TV, but now smartphones and portable devices make the amount of time your child spends in front of technology virtually limitless. Even though these devices can be very stimulating and engaging for your child, they may cause…

3 mins read

Shore Up Your Families’ Health For Fall Travel

This post is in partnership with Goodgut. Fall is an absolutely ideal time for families to enjoy seasonal travel.  The American Automobile Association (AAA) indicates that Americans will be hitting the highways, and airways, in droves this autumn.  In many states, the changing scenery is spectacular —and often the weather isn’t too hot…or too cold. …