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Mom’s Dictionary of Meanings
In many ways, moms have their own special language. When you have children, your life changes forever, and you suddenly find that your conversations are more often about vomit and bodily fluids than current events and world issues. Luckily, there are some laughs along the way. So to help all the new moms out there, we’ve got a very special dictionary of words that have special meanings for mothers: Mom’s Dictionary Dumbwaiter:One who asks if the kids would care to order dessert.
Advice for Kids in Love
Many teens feel like their love is the first of its kind and no one–particularly their parents–could possibly understand what they are going through. It’s important to remember how you felt as a teen in love–the excitement, the rush and even the heartache. Keep your line of communication open with your kid and give her loving, realistic advice, based on your own experiences and knowledge. Most importantly, let her make her own choices, as long as they aren’t harmful to her or anyone else.