2 mins read

How to Increase Sex Drive When Pregnant

Your pregnancy can produce many changes in your life. The activities you used to enjoy may hold little appeal. Your growing baby, expanding belly and shifting hormones may affect your sex drive. Many women experience an increase in libido during certain stages of pregnancy, while feeling a reduced sexual desire during other stages. Although the reasons for your sex drive may range from physical changes to emotional stress, certain practices can safely increase your desire and your sexual enjoyment.

2 mins read

How to Increase Male Semen Volume & Fertility

Many couples experience problems with infertility. Even couples who previously conceived children may have trouble conceiving again. Many things can cause infertility. Factors that affect men, as well as those that affect women, can contribute to problems with fertility. Men may experience a reduction in sperm or semen, leading to a reduced ability for their sperm to fertilize an egg. While some fertility problems require medical intervention, lifestyle changes may help improve sperm production and fertility.

1 min read

How to Increase Your Sex Drive During Pregnancy

Your sex drive is apt to experience a number of highs and lows during the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, according to the Kids Health website. Plenty of myths abound that can cause any expecting moms libido to plummet, such as that sex is potentially dangerous for an unborn baby. Unless your doctor has told you specifically that you are at a heightened risk of miscarriage, you can enjoy sex while expecting. Keeping a confident attitude about your changing body and making a few changes are essential toward naturally increasing your sex drive.

2 mins read

How to Increase My Breast Milk Supply

As a new mother, you are aware of the health and financial benefits of breastfeeding. It is no wonder that you prefer this option to others. Unfortunately, you are now feeling as if your milk supply is low, and you may even feel like you need to supplement your breast milk with formula. This action can be damning to the entire process limiting your breast milk supply further. Luckily, the path to increase your breast milk supply is often fairly simple and short.